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"}, {"display": "Cefzil", "slug": "cefzil"}, {"display": "Cipro", "slug": "cipro"}, {"display": "Cleocin T", "slug": "cleocin-t"}, {"display": "Floxin", "slug": "floxin"}, {"display": "Garamycin", "slug": "garamycin"}, {"display": "Ilotycin", "slug": "ilotycin"}, {"display": "Keftab", "slug": "keftab"}, {"display": "Klaron", "slug": "klaron"}, {"display": "Levaquin", "slug": "levaquin"}, {"display": "Metrocream", "slug": "metrocream"}, {"display": "Omnicef", "slug": "omnicef"}, {"display": "Rifadin", "slug": "rifadin"}, {"display": "Ultracef", "slug": "ultracef"}, {"display": "Zithromax", "slug": "zithromax"}], "label": "amoxicillin", "has_what_is": true, "equivalent_drugs": {"amoxicillin": {"forms": {"tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["500mg", "875mg"], "dosages": {"500mg": {"quantities": [20, 21, 28, 30, 40], "drug_id": 30864, "name": "500mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "875mg": {"quantities": [10, 14, 20, 28, 30], "drug_id": 12523, "name": "875mg", "default_quantity": 20}}, "singular": "tablet", "plural": "tablets", "display": "tablet", "default_dosage": "875mg"}, "capsule": {"dosage_sort": ["250mg", "500mg"], "dosages": {"250mg": {"quantities": [21, 28, 30, 40, 60], "drug_id": 9020, "name": "250mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "500mg": {"quantities": [20, 21, 28, 30, 40], "drug_id": 7911, "name": "500mg", "default_quantity": 30}}, "singular": "capsule", "plural": "capsules", "display": "capsule", "default_dosage": "500mg"}, "dropper": {"dosage_sort": ["15ml-of-50mg-ml", "30ml-of-50mg-ml"], "dosages": {"15ml-of-50mg-ml": {"quantities": [1], "drug_id": 37189, "name": "15ml of 50mg/ml", "default_quantity": 1}, "30ml-of-50mg-ml": {"quantities": [1], "drug_id": 37188, "name": "30ml of 50mg/ml", "default_quantity": 1}}, "singular": "dropper", "plural": "droppers", "display": "dropper", "default_dosage": "30ml-of-50mg-ml"}, "chewable-tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["125mg", "200mg", "250mg", "400mg"], "dosages": {"125mg": {"quantities": [14, 20, 28, 30, 60], "drug_id": 1098, "name": "125mg", "default_quantity": 60}, "200mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 36125, "name": "200mg", "default_quantity": 30}, "250mg": {"quantities": [20, 21, 30, 40, 60], "drug_id": 12700, "name": "250mg", "default_quantity": 40}, "400mg": {"quantities": [30], "drug_id": 12704, "name": "400mg", "default_quantity": 30}}, "singular": "chewable tablet", "plural": "chewable tablets", "display": "chewable tablet", "default_dosage": "250mg"}, "bottle-of-oral-suspension": {"dosage_sort": ["80ml-of-125mg-5ml", "100ml-of-125mg-5ml", "150ml-of-125mg-5ml", "50ml-of-200mg-5ml", "75ml-of-200mg-5ml", "100ml-of-200mg-5ml", "80ml-of-250mg-5ml", "100ml-of-250mg-5ml", "150ml-of-250mg-5ml", "50ml-of-400mg-5ml", "75ml-of-400mg-5ml", "100ml-of-400mg-5ml"], "dosages": {"80ml-of-125mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 6], "drug_id": 36559, "name": "80ml of 125mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 2}, "100ml-of-125mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36558, "name": "100ml of 125mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 1}, "150ml-of-125mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4], "drug_id": 36560, "name": "150ml of 125mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 1}, "50ml-of-200mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36545, "name": "50ml of 200mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 3}, "75ml-of-200mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36544, "name": "75ml of 200mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 2}, "100ml-of-200mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36543, "name": "100ml of 200mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 1}, "80ml-of-250mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36551, "name": "80ml of 250mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 1}, "100ml-of-250mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36550, "name": "100ml of 250mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 2}, "150ml-of-250mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36548, "name": "150ml of 250mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 1}, "50ml-of-400mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36555, "name": "50ml of 400mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 5}, "75ml-of-400mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36557, "name": "75ml of 400mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 2}, "100ml-of-400mg-5ml": {"quantities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "drug_id": 36556, "name": "100ml of 400mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 2}}, "singular": "bottle", "plural": "bottles", "display": "bottle of oral suspension", "default_dosage": "100ml-of-400mg-5ml"}}, "generic": true, "default_days_supply": 30, "days_supplies": [30, 90], "form_sort": ["bottle-of-oral-suspension", "capsule", "chewable-tablet", "dropper", "tablet"], "default_form": "capsule", "display": "amoxicillin", "slug": "amoxicillin"}, "Amoxil": {"forms"? The dose-dependent antihypertensive effect of lisinopril was consistent across several demographic subgroups: age, Tanner stage, gender, and race.

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